Wednesday, November 18, 2009

9th Annual Holiday Party

In case you missed the flier stuck in your door this afternoon, here's the 411 on this year's holiday bash*:

Westwinds Court
9th Annual Holiday Party!

Sunday - December 13th @ 5pm
Parshall Residence

Please Bring: Appetizers or Dessert
There will be soup and bread.
Music from Neighbors
(Bring your instruments.)

Call the Parshalls or email...
slinsenmeyer (at) socket (dot) net

*Dickies optional.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Party Update

The Halloween Party will be at 3pm at our house, and will go until my little baby girl can't take it any longer!!

We will have fun activities for the kids and some yummy food! To keep it simple, we will do a weiner roast. We will also have a caramel apple bar with toppings and other assorted homemade sweet treats!

Please let me know if you will be coming and if you can, please bring something to share!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Halloween Party at 1027

Wagner family invites neighbors to the 2009 Westwinds Ct. Halloween Party

When: Saturday, October 31st
Where: 1027 (we will attempt an outdoor gathering, weather permitting)
What: Wiener Roast - The Wagners will provide hot dogs and some sweet treats - Please bring something to share!
Why: To celebrate the holiday AND Scott's Birthday!! Yes, he is a Halloween baby!
Time: Up for debate...would it be fun to have an afternoon party with an early dinner? Then maybe everyone can go home and get ready to trick or treat? Please post thoughts...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Westwinds Garden Makes the Tribune

Our own garden and a few of our gardeners made the Tribune in the "Our Town" section on Tuesday. They covered the pumpkin picking and the picture below was featured.

Also, who's Susan Linsenmeyer?

(H/T Rachel)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Garden Clean-UP!

It is time for a Garden Clean-Up!  Next Sunday, October 18th, from 1-5, we will be working in the garden to clean up for the winter.  Please join us!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

BBQ Update

by popular demand, the timing has been pushed back. Plan to eat around 4:30-5, something like that. see you sunday!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Westwinds Barbecue!!!

hey everybody,

roots, blues & BBQ has their barbecue contest, but we want to do them one better and have our own!!! anybody can participate, or just come to eat. Bring a side and beverages of your choice.

WHERE: to be determined. somewhere in the street.

WHEN: sunday the 27th - afternoon 2ish (plan to eat then, so fire up your pits early!)

WHO: you of course

WHY: for the chance to do this:

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Need some railings?

I tore the railings off the front of our house (mostly so we could better spy on Julie and Jerry). I'm willing to give them away to anyone who wants them. There are three railings about 33" tall and 88" wide. Let me know if you're interested. You don't have to take them all, but I'd rather give them to my neighbors than toss them.