Sunday, October 11, 2009

Halloween Party at 1027

Wagner family invites neighbors to the 2009 Westwinds Ct. Halloween Party

When: Saturday, October 31st
Where: 1027 (we will attempt an outdoor gathering, weather permitting)
What: Wiener Roast - The Wagners will provide hot dogs and some sweet treats - Please bring something to share!
Why: To celebrate the holiday AND Scott's Birthday!! Yes, he is a Halloween baby!
Time: Up for debate...would it be fun to have an afternoon party with an early dinner? Then maybe everyone can go home and get ready to trick or treat? Please post thoughts...


  1. Hi all, I think the afternoon event and T o T afterward would be great although, I vote we gather again for libations after t o t-ing!


  2. That user name is so much funnier now that you actually have a baby.
